A Guide To Cosmetic Tattoo Maintenance

Cosmetic tattoo appointments such as microblading, feather touch tattoos and ombre brows are soaring in popularity. With so much interest in cosmetic tattooing, we get lots of questions from clients about the best way to prepare for their cosmetic tattoo service and how to care for their brows after the appointment. In this blog we will discuss some pre-treatment tips and tricks and the best ways to extend the life of your brows. If you’re still unsure which cosmetic tattoo service is best for you then you can check our useful guide, which covers the differences between microblading, ombre brows and nano brows.

Preparing for your cosmetic tattoo treatment

We always recommend that clients follow our pre-treatment guidelines as closely as possible to achieve the best finished result. Preparing for a cosmetic tattoo treatment is quite simple and will reduce sensitivity when it comes to your appointment. In the fortnight leading up to your cosmetic brow service we recommend that you avoid using AHA and Retin-A skincare products as well as having any Botox near the treatment area. A week prior you should also avoid brow waxing or tinting, facials and any tanning treatments. Within 24 hours you should not consume any alcohol or caffeine and unless medically prescribed, do not take Aspirin, Vitamin E or Ibuprofen.


After your cosmetic tattoo appointment, there are a few simple steps you can take to maintain your amazing new brows! Aside from cleaning, which we will talk about shortly, you should avoid getting your brows wet. While your brows are healing it is best to avoid exercise and sports or anything that will cause excessive sweating. We will provide an aftercare cream to apply to the treatment area, but sunscreen, make-up, retinol and acids should not be used. Where possible you should also avoid long periods of sun exposure or tanning, as it can lead to burned or peeling skin and discolouration. Our last top tip is to always sleep with a clean pillowcase.


Day 1-3 – In the first few days after your cosmetic tattoo appointment it is best not to wash your brows with soap. Instead, blot your brows with a clean paper towel every 2-3 hours. This will remove any excess blood and Lymph and prevent it from scabbing. To clean, wipe your brows with damp cotton and apply a very thin layer of aftercare cream.

Day 3-7 – After a few days, you will be able to wash your brows gently with clean hands and unscented antibacterial soap. Do this once in the morning and once at night, ensuring you rinse thoroughly and gently afterwards. Use a clean paper towel to pat your brows until fully dry. Once dry, use a cotton swab to apply a rice grain amount of aftercare cream. The cream should be barely visible on the brows.

Day 8-14 – After a week you no longer need to apply the aftercare cream, but you should continue to wash your brows twice a day. If the area around the brows feels dry or itchy then you can use a small amount of non-scented moisturiser.

Stages of Healing

After your cosmetic tattoo appointment, you might notice some variation in your brows over the first 30 days. This is completely normal and happens for everyone. To give you an idea of what to expect, we have provided a useful graphic that demonstrates the various stage of healing of your brow tattoo.


Perfection Visit and Touch-up Appointments

All our microblading, ombre brows and feather touch tattoos comes with a complimentary perfection visit after 6 weeks. During your perfection visit we will discuss the result of your first appointment and make any adjustments or touch-ups you require. We also recommend that you book a touch-up appointment every 8 to 12 months to maintain your new brows. This length of time will differ depending on each individual, but touch-up appointments will help your brows keep their shape and definition.

If you’re interested in booking a cosmetic tattoo appointment then get in contact with us at 1300 226 466 or browse our website for more information about microblading, ombre brows and other cosmetic tattoo services.


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